My name is Kyleigh. I build stuff. I enjoy building things out of wood, metal, food, and computer langauges. I have an Associates degree in Computer Information Systems and currently working on my Bachelor's degree in Software Development with Westerns Govenors University. When I'm not building stuff, you can find me talking with my dogs, Annie and Sally. I live in Lubbock, Texas. Eventually, I'd like to work on the programming side of game development.
This is a work in progress app. Utilizing Ruby on Rails, this app takes an input from the user and create a anagram of the input from a small dictionary that was preloaded.
The YelpCamp app was developed with Node.js, express.js, and mongoose.js. I created this app to dive deeper in JavaScript and frameworks. Users can sign up for membership, where they can then add, edit, or remove campgrounds with location, picture, and description. Users can also comment on each campground.
I made a simple to-do list and uses primarily JavaScript. The To-Do List app utilizes JavaScript events to append to the list.
I created this game to help myself get familiar with the RGB and understanding DOM. I used JavaScript to randomize the possible colors.
I created this site to showcase information for my roller derby team. It is a single page site using HMTL5, CSS, bootstrap 4, PHP, and JavaScript. The site has a slideshow using JavaScript and CSS.
The Breakout Game utilizes javascript, HTML5, and CSS3. This allowed me to develop my understanding of functions and event handlers.